High AoA / Departure Resistance & Recovery

Technical Library

Stability and Control

⇒ High AoA / Departure Resistance & Recovery

Text here to introduce the topic

Past Symposia Papers

2018Spilling the Silverware - High Angle of Attack Testing on the Newest Range of Gulfstream Business Class Airplanes
2015Test for Test Training - Spinning the DG-1000S
2013Stalling Transport Aircraft
2013Spin Reproduction, Control System Testing, and Control Room Training Using X-Plane
2013Identification of High Angle of Attack Aerodynamic Model using Flight Data from Spin Tests
2010Loss of Control Testing of Light Aircraft and a Cost-Effective Approach to Flight Test
2005Stall Testing of the U.S. Navy Model E-2C Plus Aircraft Equipped with the Hamilton Sundstrand NP2000 Propeller System
2003X-31 VECTOR - Taking ESTOL to the Ground
2001Modeling Abrupt Wing Stall from Flight Test Data
2000F-22 Initial High Angle-of-Attack Flight Test Results
1999Enhanced High AOA Maneuverability and Spin Recovery for the Super Hornet
1998Lessons Learned from the F/A-18E/F High AGA Flight Test Development Program
1997Gripen High Angle of Attack Testing
1994X-31 Post-Stall Envelope Expansion and Tactical Utility Testing
1994F-16 Multi-Axis Thrust Vectoring Flight Test Program Overview
1993The X-31 Team: Conquering Post Stall
1993F/A-18 Controls Released Departure Recovery Flight Test Evaluation
1992High Alpha Testing of the AM-X Aircraft - Lessons Learned
1991Development of High AOA Nose Down Control Margin Guidelines for Relaxed Static Stability Tactical Jet Aircraft
1991AV-8B Flight Test Operations for the 100% Leading Edge Root Extension Program
1990X-29 High Angle of Attack Flight Test Procedures, Results, and Lessons Learned
1989AM-X High Incidence Trials, Development and Results
1988F-16N Supersonic Adversary Aircraft Evaluation
1984Results of High Angle-of-Attack Testing of the F-1 5 with Conformal Fuel Tanks
1982F-14 High Angle of Attack Investigation with Asymmetric Thrust and External Stores
1982Engineering Aspects of the F/A-18A High AOA/Spin Program
1978The Evolution of the High-Angle-of-Attack Features of the F-16 Flight Control System
1976Spin Testing Using Multiple Phototheodolites
1976F-5E Spin Susceptibility Test Program
1975Spin Testing the Viggen Aircraft
1975High Angle of Attack Flight Tests of the F-15
1975YF-17 Stall/Post-Stall Testing
1975Stall/Post-Stall/Spin Avoidance Tests of the YA-10 Aircraft
1974NASA Flight Research Center Scale F-15 Remotely Piloted Research Vehicle Program
1973An Investigation of the Rolling Stability Derivatives of a T-Tail Fighter Configuration at High Angles-of-Attack